
Educating and training the next generation

Recent News

Connor Hopps

Alumni Change Lives

Compiled by Yanlan Liu

Thanks to funding from the Friends of Orton Hall (FOH), nine graduate students had the opportunity to travel globally for conferences and…

Matthew Young, Brent Curtiss, and Mohammad Asgharzadeh

The Geophysics Excellence Fund (309633) fosters student research at the Mendenhall Geophysical Observatory (MGO) in Rm 051 ML

Established in the late 1980’s by Professors Hal Noltimier, Jeff Daniels, Ian Whillans, Ken Jezek, and Ralph von Frese, the Fund promotes geophysical research…

Headshot of Dr. Shelley Judge

New SES Professor Dr. Shelley Judge Teaches Geological Sciences and field camp

Dr. Shelley Judge returned to the OSU School of Earth Sciences family full time in Spring 2025 as an Assistant Professor of Teaching. Shelley is a…

SES Expands Research Computing Resources

The School of Earth Sciences has made a significant investment in our students' and researchers’ computational capabilities by purchasing dedicated high-performance computing resources within the…

People Directory

Undergraduate student grader/TA
Student Administrative Assistant
Senior Research Scientist, Adjunct Faculty
Director of Health & Safety for the Environment Division of Arcadis